A New Beginning

As 2018 begins we are honored to be installed as the Co-Presidents of the Southern Butler County Garden Club. This is a new experience for our Club, as we always had a President & Vice President. Together, we will be sharing all of the responsibilities of the Office of President.

We are looking forward to working with our Club members as we grow in many different ways. As we work together to beautify our community, we strengthen our bonds of friendship and caring. Our Committees are busy getting plans together to make our meetings informative and allow for all of us to experience growth in our leadership abilities. This year our Club celebrates it's 10th Annual Garden Tour, which is our sole fundraiser. With every member offering their time and talents, we look forward to another successful event. Members can also look forward to seeing where the "Out & About" Committee plans to take us on various field trips this year.

As we look back on all that our past Presidents accomplished, we are truly humbled to have been given this responsibility of leading the Southern Butler County Garden Club into this new chapter of service.


Alicia Garrison & Rita Mack

Co-Presidents, Southern Butler County Garden Club